This is it, we're coming down to the last two weeks!! For SCAD's Post Production class, everyone gets the first six weeks of the quarter to touch up on anything they want to fix and then that's it. We all have to hand in a finished film on February 13th. As of right now, we're beginning final rendering and compositing, as well as final sound mixing. I'm incredibly excited to finally finish this film, it's been a really long year. It seemed like just yesterday I was sitting in concept trying to create a script for this trailer. This short has come a really long way and I couldn't have done it without the help of my incredible crew, friends and family who have helped and supported me the entire way.
I've learned more about animation and production this past year than I have ever before; it's been an invaluable experience. I have touched literally every aspect of my film, from modeling to animating to lighting. It's been fun, but painful as well and while I've really enjoyed this experience, I'm ready to put it down and start something new.
My plans for this short aren't entirely clear yet, I'm not sure whether I want to submit it to festivals or release it online right away. I'll probably try film festivals, I feel that will be a smart way to get my concept out there.
As for long term plans with "Dream Runners" I have decided to officially pursue creating an animated series. I have dreamed of creating my own animation studio for sometime now and I want "Dream Runners" to be the studio's big project. I'll probably make a tumblr dedicated to concept art for the show at some point (for which I will post a link to once it's made). Also, there may or may not be a comic series. I've always imagined "Dream Runners" in comic form, but now I know it needs to be animated.
Thank you to everyone who has stopped by and followed the film, I'm sorry for not updating for long periods of time. Here's the latest image I've created that's going to be on the front of our crew shirts. Enjoy!